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Here are some presentation slides or typed notes for past mathematical talks.
Twisted elliptic L-values over global fields
Contributed talk for Algebraic Number Theory
Denominators of BSD quotients
Contributed talk for Young Researchers in Algebraic Number Theory
Adèles and cohomology
Study group on class field theory
Elliptic curves in mathlib
Workshop talk for Formalising Algebraic Geometry
Twisted L-values of elliptic curves
Contributed talk for 75th British Mathematical Colloquium
Diophantine equations
Year 1 post exams colloquia
L-values of elliptic curves twisted by cubic characters
Linfoot Number Theory Seminars
Kolyvagin's theorem
Study group on the conjecture of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer
The Brauer–Manin obstruction
London Junior Number Theory Seminar
Congruences of twisted L-values
Study group on what am I doing at the moment
The group law on an elliptic curve
Postgraduate seminar
Twisted elliptic L-values
Contributed talk for Early Number Theory Researchers Workshop 2023
An elementary formal proof of the group law on Weierstrass elliptic curves in any characteristic
Conference talk for the Fourteenth International Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving
Introduction to abelian varieties over finite fields
Study group on abelian varieties over finite fields
Class number formula, à la Tate
London Junior Number Theory Seminar
Examples of Brauer groups
Study group on the Brauer-Manin obstruction
Tate's thesis and epsilon factors
Study group on Galois representations and root numbers
Elliptic curves and Mordell's theorem
Workshop talk for Xena Project
Formalisation of elliptic curves in Lean
Contributed talk for Young Researchers in Algebraic Number Theory
Étale cohomology
Study group on étale cohomology
The Tate-Shafarevich and Brauer groups
Study group on curves over function fields
Elliptic curves and the Mordell-Weil theorem
Talk for London Learning Lean
The Euler system of Heegner points
London Junior Number Theory Seminar
Kolyagin's work on the BSD conjecture
Mini project presentation
Elliptic curves in Lean
Workshop talk in Huawei Technologies R&D UK Ltd
Ideal class groups
Introductory talk for the London School of Geometry and Number Theory
Rank heuristics for elliptic curves
Part III Seminar Series
Arithmetic statistics for elliptic curves
Master's thesis presentation
The ideal class group is a Tate-Shafarevich group
Interview presentation for Essen Seminar for Algebraic Geometry and Arithmetic
Cryptography engineering at Adjoint UK Ltd
Industrial placement presentation
Pairing-based elliptic curve cryptography
Lunch talk in Adjoint UK Ltd
An unusual cubic representation problem
Undergraduate Mathematics Colloquium